And until 2023, the period of the treaty ends, which has passed for a hundred years, and here we understand Erdogan`s comments, because Turkey will enter a new era and will begin with oil exploration and drilling a new canal connecting the two seas, Black and Marmara, to levy royalties on passing ships. A new nuclear race is underway, 75 years after the United States dropped the bomb According to Mohamed Abdel-Kader Khalil, an Egyptian expert on Turkish affairs, “Turkish foreign policy in the Middle East is linked to the use of Turkish military capabilities in the region. This is reflected in Turkey`s military concentrations on the borders with Iraq and Syria and their engagement on the Red Sea through an agreement on the Sudanese island of Sawken and the Turkish military intervention in the northern Syrian city of Afrin. “An important driver of Turkey`s behavior is that Ankara — also involved in military actions in Syria and Iraq — with the exception of the Tripoli government, which controls half of war-torn Libya, has virtually no allies in the region,” the Wall Street Journal`s Yaroslav Trofimov said. “The first regional organization to cooperate on energy development, the East Mediterranean Gas Forum, established last year, brings together Egypt, Israel, Cyprus, Greece, Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and Italy. France, a vocal opponent of Turkey`s objectives in the region and whose naval regatta stalled with three Turkish ships off Libya in June, has also applied for membership. This crucial period in Turkish history confirms a fundamental principle of international politics, namely that facts mark peace agreements on the ground. The Turkish War of Independence changed these facts on the ground, called the Treaty of Sevres and led to peace in Lausanne. With the expiration of this century-old treaty in 2023, Turkey itself will enter a new era by drilling for oil and digging a new canal between the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara as a prelude to the costs of passing ships. This seismic evolution, combined with Turkey`s recent military adventurer, indicates that the geographical contours of the region will certainly undergo a gigantic metamorphosis after the end of the Treaty of Lausanne.
The Greek government managed the occupation of Smyrna from 21 May 1919. A protectorate was established on July 30, 1922. The treaty granted “the exercise of its sovereign rights to a local parliament,” but left the region within the Ottoman Empire.